This is a great 23" black doll door stop with embroidered face,braided trim hair and nice calico clothes with a paisley shawl kerchief sround her shoulders. She is in very nice condition with just a little fading to her clothes Circa 1920
This doll looks like one a Grammy made. She has a straight none committing mouth, a V shaped nose and blue outlined eyes with black eyebrows. She had some reddish brown hair but all that is left is a thin line around her head on the seam. She has firm but
not too firm cotton stuffed body that has a broad chest, and indented waist with just a bit of a flare to her hips. Jointed arms and legs but strangely doesn't have hands at the end of her arms but she has great feet, take a look. The brown ...
Not all dolls that are 17" tall look 17" tall and this in one of those dolls. Her stockinette body, while it is curvy is not big, it is softly stuffed and small around. My index finger and thumb go around her waist and touch. Her face kind of looks embroidered in pictures but it is a really nicely painted. It is not fragile even though the paint has body to it, maybe it is an oil paint. Under her painted mouth she has a two stitch mend. Her hair is made with, astrakhan, a lambs wool trim. She is...
Not all dolls have a time line built into them but this one says to me, she is 6 or 7 years old and is dressed for the first day of school. She has on a great dress that fits her perfectly. Under her dress is a one piece coverall,(I think they are called onesies) that has to have been made for her. She has a great embroidered face with big eyes, a pinched nose and little round O mouth and all of this is framed with a full head of yarn hair. Her body is long and thin, legs and arms are jointed, t...
This is a very interesting doll. Her body and head are one piece of solid wood, with a hole straight through the shoulder from side to side with arms pushed in an anchored on either side. The legs, I am not sure how they are attached and the pants over her legs are sewn on and have been for a long time, see stains from the wood on the white tightly woven pants, they feel very secure. She has on a period dress that I think I put on her a long time ago with the apron over it. Her painted face is ...
Nice homemade linen boy doll with embroidered face, cute ears, black curly hair wearing a red one piece outfit with a sweater over it. The red wool suit is sewn on with I think was a good idea by this mother. He wouldn't still have it on right now if she hadn't. It is brimmed with velvet ribbon and the neck and on the homemade belt around his waist. He has woolen shoes on his feet that are also attached. Over this he has a charcoal wool sweater that keeps him warm. It has a hole in one sleeve bu...
This is a sweet faced little cloth doll with a pinched raised nose, button eyes, feather stitched eyebrows and pink floss mouth. I think she was a white doll first and covered about 1910 with black sateen, see picture of her legs. She has a sturdy body, simple arms and legs that do bend for sitting. She has on a blue calico dress, a red white and blue patriotic skirt over it and sewn on red felt boots that are quite remarkable. She is 16" tall and is circa 1890. She has a classic little round fa...
This is a really nice straight forward hand sewn flannel doll, with a very nice embroidered face. Her body is stuffed and I mean stuffed with rags and she is really solid. She bends at her ankles and that is it. I tend to think that she is from Pennsylvania because of the type of flannel she is made with. It makes me think of the Amish flannel toy dogs. She is all original, the dress if it is not original once it got put in it stayed on. It fits her like a glove and I would hate to try to get it...
A very nice 19th C. doll with embroidered face, calico button eyes, a tiny cute upside down u shaped nose, yarn hair, a bit sparse and looks like a trim job by little hands and scissors. She has a body firmly stuffed with cotton. She has an hour glass figure and nicely jointed so she sits easily. Her dress is not original but fits her really nicely and she has a gathered top purse to go along with her dress and hat. She is 25" tall and is circa 1880-90.
She is a bright and happy doll.
I have always really liked the black bottle doll doorstops. They are something I keep more than I sell. I am offering of few of mine for sale so here is the first one.
She is 13" tall, has button eyes, tear drop shaped nose with two little dots for nostril, and oval mouth that is open a little and maybe the red is for her tongue. To me she looks like she is singing her heart out while she looks to the heavens. She has embroidered ears that are priceless. She has a necklace that may have been a...
A very nice and unique bottle doll with her head built around a cork so the top lifts off easily and the bottle can be used to store whatever. I have another bottle doll listed with the same idea and that one had a story with it. This is the story on the other bottle doll, (I bought the bottle doll from a picker and he was door knocking and it turns out a man had recently lost his wife and yes he did have things for sale and one item was a black bottle doll doorstop. He said his wife used to li...
All hand sewn from the nicest of material, this topsy turvy has style and detail sewing. Both faces are painted, the black face is on egg wash cotton and the white side is on fine linen. She doesn't show signs that she was played with much if at all. Their hands are mitten shape and out of the same material as their faces. There is a little water staining at the bottom of the blue polka dot skirt and her net bonnet is shredding at the top. At her waist there is a cotton label sewn on with the nu...
Maybe I shouldn't think about it.
So without thinking, she is super wonderful, with a elongated head, stitched onto an equally old body, BIG arms and hands, great old body and legs terminating with old nicely worn high button shoes. Still not thinking, her head has water color painted features on very fine old linen, her body is a twill and her arms and hands a little heavier linen fabric with stitch defined fingers and separate thumbs. She is stuffed very firmly with cotton. Her dress is a li...
This little girl, 15", is all hand sewn, with a chunky cotton stuffed body, jointed arms and legs, embroidered face and button eyes, set a bit askew. She is wearing a little later homemade red and black polka dot dress. There is no evidence that she ever had hair. She has mitten shaped hands with nice thumbs. Over her dress she has a a white hand knit sweater. She has a few holes here and there but nothing that is causing a problem. There is one on her neck, a couple on her hands, upper arms an...
Music, and she will be happy.
She is stockinette, has a wonderful embroidered face with oval mouth, teeth and two lines running above her eyes and down to outline a nose. I don't see it done that way often and it is very effective. Now the hairdo is something else. It maybe be a simple as two holes that happened and the easiest solution was to stuff in some material but it actually looks like it was made that way. The fabric is the same on both sides and it looks and feels like it goes all the ...
Really finely carved husband and wife in hand sewn clothes from Tennessee. They are from the 1930's and you can tell that the carver was experienced. You can actually see wrinkles in their faces and the great protruding chins. Her bonnet is lovely but her hair is carved beautifully. They are fully jointed and the joints actually work. They are 9 1/2" tall. The show appropriate wear for their age with the overall showing some weakness from the acid in the wood but it is on the back so it doesn't ...
She is 16" tall, dressed for the coldest of weather, her Mommy made sure she would be warm and now she looks lost. She is almost as wide as she is tall. The clothes are all original, the coat is nicely made and completely lined. Under the coat is a brown dress with a woven in pattern and undies to match. Her eyes are shoe buttons and her nose and mouth are one stitch each that are pulled in. She is just the cutest! There is wear to the first layer of stockinette on her cheek and the top of her h...
True to the name this doll is rag stuffed simple and straight forward. Her body is two gingerbread shaped pieces of cloth, sewn together and firmly stuffed with rags. Her eyes are two old snaps sewn in place and they do the trick. Her legs have been bent so many times that she sits nicely. She has on the dress she came in. It is a soft worn red dress with with a ruffles down the front and around the neck and sleeves. She is 19" tall and is circa 1900. Something tells me that a child helped with ...