Pat Hatch Antiques country and Shaker and early cloth dolls. COUNTRY AND SHAKER ANTIQUES
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Folk Art : Dolls : Pre 1900 item #1341225 (stock #1446)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This doll was bought in the mid west and had to have been made by an older child or a mother doing the best she could with what she had. She is firmly straw stuffed. Her face is stitched with heavy thread. Her mouth is stitched with the use of many "xxx"s and it looks great. Her nose is pinched raised with overcasting thread. Her eyes are framed with red stitches and her eyes and eyebrows are brown thread. Her red bonnet is sewn on as are her clothes. She has a lace collar, green shawl that is a...
All Items : Dolls : Vintage Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1350737 (stock #1510)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn. Where is the boy who looks after the sheep? He’s under the haystack, fast asleep. This is an uncut pattern for making a doll, Little Boy Blue. It is late 19th C. It is in very good unused condition but does have some age toning. The colors are crisp as is the fabric. It has been folded and put away for most if not all of its life. I show the front and the back. It would be lovely framed or actually mad...
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Textiles : Accessories : Pre 1800 item #1364057 (stock #1685)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
How often do you see a flame stitch mat? This one still has vibrant color. The foundation is a loomed homespun. It has a spider web fringe that is so fine and beautiful. I have taken pictures of the 3 areas of with condition problems. There are two small holes and one larger one. The fringe also is sparse in many areas around the mat. That said this is a rare form of flame stitch and is paper thin and very finely woven. It is mid 1700's and is 6" by 11".
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Folk Art : Pre 1910 item #1380988 (stock #1857)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Hand made Shaker table mat with multi colored field and a wide brown border. The mats were the product of left over scraps from the sewing rooms in Shaker communities. This mat is 13" by 15" and is in excellent condition. C. 1900
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Folk Art : Pre 1900 item #1395163 (stock #1980)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This is quite the scrap book. The back and front are cloth covered in blue and white calico. The pages are also cloth with stitching around all the edges. The trade and advertising cards are glued down on both sides of the fabric. The pages are bound together by three holes and each page and tied with a yellow ribbon. There are 11 pages, 22 sides, and one 1/2 page that is original and not cut but just a 1/2 page with cards on both sides. It is a fascinating collection and a wonderful blue calico...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1920 item #1429132 (stock #3089)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This plain and simple stocking doll with great old button eyes and probably original stocking cap. He feels like he is stuffed with soft stocking material. He has fancy blue and maroon yarn tied around his ankles that probably matched his clothes. Simplistic pleasure. He is 14 tall and has a few small holes. He is circa 1910-20
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1920 item #1483095 (stock #5126)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This little girl is going out in the world with her eyes wide open. Her eyes are buttons with 4 embroidered rings around the outside that gives her a big wide open eye look. She has the straight neutral mouth and white raised thread ending in two red dots for her nose. She is stuffed with cotton and soft enough that her continuous body/arms/legs, bend easily. Her dress is a cotton print in green and beige design with an apron over and pants under. She is a very nice quiet looking little doll. 1...
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Folk Art : Dolls : Pre 1900 item #1341692 (stock #1460)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
These little handmade Civil War era dolls are some of my favorite. This one has on a heavy satin dress with a brown egg wash chintz cotton petticoat. she has a net bonnet adorned with a white ribbon over real hair. She is wearing the tiniest metal eye glasses I have ever seen. She has little rolled arms and a stump body that never had legs. Her dress is melting a bit above her waist and there is a crack in the nut shell but an old one and it is hard to see because she is so small. She is 8" tal...
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Textiles : Pre 1900 item #1386857 (stock #1916)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This tiny handsewn patch work quilt has just on square that has a little hole. One of the long sides the edge has a bit out of it, maybe it caught on something. The sewing is somewhat unskilled and appears to have been a labor of love rather than perfection. It has a lot of charm and nice enough to be uses on a doll bed or hung on a wall. The fabric backing the quilt is very fragile and fraying but it is nice that it doesn't affect the front. This is a nice early folk art doll quilt from the 187...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Pre 1900 item #1395055 (stock #1975)
Country and Shaker Antiques
This is an all original milliner doll with paper mache head and hand carved wooden arms and legs. She has on a brown/tan dress with a scalloped petticoat and full length pantaloons. All are hand sewn. She has on green painted shoes. You can see in the picture as well as feel the hand carving of the arms and legs. You can see she has crazing on her face but it is not fragile or flaking off. Her clothing is in good condition but has age related discoloring. She is 10" tall and is circa 1840. This...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1920 item #1482869 (stock #5122)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This little girl in jammies is just 10" tall, is all hand sewn, has a rattle or sound box sewn inside the back. She has bald head, pencil drawn down turned mouth, U shaped nose, pencil eyebrows, and the best embroidered bright blue eyes that jump right out at you. I would let her stay up another half hour with that cute look on her face. She is circa 1920-30
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1920 item #1483421 (stock #5132)
Country and Shaker Antiques
She is all cleaned up and ready to take a walk. She has peaches and cream complexion to go with her auburn hair. Her body is firm and pretty much unyielding, no sitting around for her. The blue check dress fits her very nicely and age appropriate. She is in good condition with just one little hole on the side of her chin. The pictures make it look huge but that is because she is magnified by the camera. The hole is a 1/4" hole. She is from 1910-20's, is 12" tall and looks very sweet.
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Folk Art : Baskets : Pre 1900 item #1318561 (stock #1201)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
A small sweet excellent condition antique egg basket. It has nice patina and is circa 1870-80. It would hold about 5 or 6 eggs and a lot of strawberry emeries.
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1910 item #1367073 (stock #1708)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Well I am not sure Mother Congress would recognize this doll unless she took off her dress. This doll has to have had many hundreds of hours of play. The dress is obviously not original but I am sure it is nicer than a lot of dresses she has worn. She is 18" tall, cotton stuffed, many stitches replaces but surprisingly no holes just a worn area at the tip of her right hand. She sure isn't a Sunday doll but she could use a few understanding friends! Circa 1900. To see a nice "Baby Stuart" Google...
All Items : Antiques : Instruments and Implements : Sewing : Pre 1900 item #1372248 (stock #1731)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This strawberry pin cushion has been enhanced with black pins or maybe it was made that way. It is all hand sewn, has ink seed markings, felt top that is faded and is stuffed firmly with cotton. It is the size of a lime to give you a visual idea. It is 3" long. Circa 1880-90
All Items : Antiques : Instruments and Implements : Sewing : Pre 1900 item #1372779 (stock #1746)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This is a graphic pin cushion from the 1860's in brown, blue and tan star pattern. The back is a egg wash blue linen. It has a nice blue velvet saw tooth edge that goes around the middle of the cushion. It is all hand sewn, a real work of art. It is worn but mellow and nice. It is 8" diameter and is 4" high. A nice surviving example of a Civil War era pin cushion.
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1920 item #1408033 (stock #2098)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This doll is fashioned after a raggedy ann doll, is homemade with a hand stitched face. Her clothes are old and came on her. She has her shoes and stockings are part of her legs. She has yarn hair that is thinning a little. She is 18" and circa 1930.
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Textiles : Accessories : Pre 1900 item #1414769 (stock #3011)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This is what I call a down home or servicable antique pot holder. It looks like a odd apple with a tummy sash. It is sewn nicely but with a childish feeling to it. I am sure it was used but care was taken with it. The loop at the top looks original. It is a very nice naive pot holder from the 1840's. It is 4" by 5". I love seeing these hung.