This doll is the first kind of cloth dolls that started to come to market in the 1970's. There were not many cloth dolls in shops or at shows but when I found them they were sort of like this. Simple and straight forward. She has the early hour glass figure and adding to that look is a serious leather corset that was probably made from the top of an old shoe. She is hand sewn, cotton stuffed rather firmly, nicely shaped feet, one nice leather shoe over black stockings. Her arms stop abrubtly at ...
This doll has attitude and I can see some little scrub kneed kid with this doll under his arm, thinking he can conquer the world. I would like to meet the woman that made this one!
He is big and heavy, made with denim, in tan and regular blue jean material. Stuffed with rags and cotton he is a handful. 21" tall and c. 1900-1920
Very nice Beecher doll by a cottage industry in Elmira NY missionary group from 1893 to 1910. They followed a pattern but each doll is just a little different as the sewing was a group project.. This one has been recovered with black fabric over the original brown fabric. The brown fabric was not that sturdy and is often in fragile condition. She is wearing a red calico dress but probably not original. She is 20" tall
Naïve but nicely painted face doll with great red curls around her face. She is 21" tall and her body has a very broad chest that narrows into a smaller waist and hardly any flare to her hips. She is jointed at the shoulders and at the hips. She is very firmly packed with cotton. She has reinforced stitches at her neck below her chin and then stitches at the back of her neck also. She sits nicely and she knows that she is pretty. Circa 1890.
This is a 23 " cloth doll that looks more like she is 17". It is funny with dolls, some look really big and large and aren't and then some like this one that just feel and look smaller than they are. She is nicely shaped body, she is shy and doesn't like to show her face. I finally got one picture that shows the pencil features, you can see her face much better in real life. She is made with grain sack material.(The late 1800's and first quarter of the 1900's grain was sold with the advertising ...
This rag doll has the gift of giving comfort just by looking at her. She is a little soft, her dress has been on her forever and has wear here and there. Under her dress she is wearing undies that look original. She is all hand sewn with fairly big stitches but sewn really nicely. Her legs are large and sturdy with feet that point east and west. No big or even little boo boos other than a little hole at her mouth. Maybe too much kissing or maybe the act of feeding a little porridge now and then....
Great big striking black cloth doll with an embroidered face, sewn by a pro. She has expressive eyebrows, big eyes, no nose, (that is one way to deal with hard to do noses), and a happy smiling mouth. She has very soft lustrous real pelt fur hair. Her arms and legs are jointed, her body is big and rounded, her head moves but is stable and holds itself up, and the stuffing is medium firm. She is wearing, oldish panties, very nice antique petticoat, a black and red polka dot antique dress and an o...
Very unusual to find a black cloth doll that is truly a baby doll. She has the chubby body and bent legs and is wearing a romper two piece play outfit. She has a somewhat formed face with a raised nose and rounded chin. She has bead eyes with white accents painted on. She has the astrakhan hair with a cute tie around her head that goes with her two piece play suit. Her legs were attached like her arms by being sewn on and at some later date someone updated her legs so she would sit more easily i...
This antique wooden doll is hand carved and still has some original paint. The face is nicely carved, the body is painted a dark green and the legs and face have a having a dark patina. The head has black painted hair. He has a big hole in his middle that I think was a hole for a jigger pole. He/she I think was a doll first and then a jigger but I can't say for sure. The back of his head has lots of wear so that didn't happen while he was a jigger. He has a professional stand that was made for h...
This interesting cloth doll has a pencil face fashioned after a "Babyland" rag doll. The little girl receiving this doll must have been thrilled to have a doll looking like and expensive bought one. This face is a second face that has been there a long time. She has a sewn on bonnet that fringes her face. Her arms have been recovered at the same time her face was done, same material. She is cotton stuffed and sits nicely. Clothes old but not original. She is 19"tall and circa 1890-1900.
This old antique rag doll has the simplest drawn face. Two round dots for eyes with one line eyebrows a U shaped nose and a little round mouth with the tiniest 1/4" line in the middle. It shows the meaning of pursed lips. This doll is made with muslin and stuffed with sort of lumpy cotton. She has been used and abused and has lived to tell, or not. She has on a blue calico dress and a white apron that perks her up. She is 19" tall and is circa 1890.She needs a good home so she can rest.
This is a nice antique cloth doll with a sweet embroidered face. She has blue eyes with eyelashes all the way around and pink floss mouth. It is a surprise that her face does not show any anger or humiliation from the extreme hairdo. I can just see the little girl with her mother's pointy scissors clipping all her hair with great satisfaction. She was a blond and there is a small fringe that frames her face and then rows of stitches on the back of her head that at one time was securing yarn hair...
What a cutie of a simple rag doll with embroidered face, broad chest and arms that ends in little fists. Now I think he is a little boy but his blue striped pants have a little lace trim so maybe a little girl. I do know that the mother that made him wanted to make sure the hat stayed on or maybe she picked it up one too many times off the floor and sewed the sucker on! It worked it is still there. He is firmly packed with rags and is solid and heavy. This is just a really pleasing little doll....
Nice old black stockinette doll with the sweetest sad little face. She has a pinch raised nose very nice embroidered eyes and a dearest little turned down mouth. She has yarn hair that is a little thin. She has a very long body and short legs, a true little rag doll. She is 18" tall but looks and feels like a smaller doll.
So perky and bright with big round eyes and a smile to melt the heart, they don't come like this often. She has embroidered features including her eyes but then to embellish them further they added a bead in the middles and curtain rod rings to make the eyes complete. She has red dots for a nose and a big embroidered mouth with white teeth the whole length. Her wool yarn hair is is artfully sewn to her head in a zigzag pattern. I love how her head is squared off at the top. She is as found and c...
This 1880 cloth doll has a very nicely drawn ink face with strong features softened by time. Her lips have a trace of red with a hint of a smile, her eyes are big and brown and her nose and eyebrows are a gray black this all adds up to a very kindly looking face. The black hat covers a trauma to her head and to her right ear. The rest of her face is not fragile so I think it was a blow to the head and ear not a breakdown of fabric. Her body has lots of covering and it is hard to figure out what ...
What do you think, I think she was maybe made with big round eye glasses for an adorable little girl who had glasses just like these? Not only does she wear glasses but this is a second face under this one. I am not even tempted to peek, this one is so great. She also has a replaced arm that has leather below the elbow. She is firmly packed with rags, her arms are jointed and her legs are continuous and she can do a forced sit. Her dress is antique but not original, under her dress she is wearin...
Isn't she just grand! She is 20" tall and her whole core is a good size log, that has the irregular bumps and flares of the wood that can be felt through the black stockinette covering. She is wearing a red calico print dress with a yellow calico apron. She has a kerchief tied over some animal fur for hair. Button eyes, little bit of a raised nose and a yarn sewn mouth. She is rock solid, very stable and is a great doorstop if your shelves are too full to put her on them. She is early to mid 19...