The wooden doll fragment has some original paint. She is all one piece of wood even her tiny nose. She has a touch of original pink on both cheeks. She has some black paint on part of the back of her head that was her hair. She feels lovely to the touch. She is a real treasure. She is not quite 8" tall and is circa 1790-1820.
Antique wooden doll, possibly was a bed wrench converted into a doll or a bed post doll. She is pine and primitively carved and from the early 1800's. She is wearing a later dress but still a 19th C. one. She has no arms and never did and might be the reason she was made into a doll. She has some holes on one leg, see picture but they don't look like worm holes to me they are more of a shallow hole. She is 14" tall, circa 1830 and a great early primitive doll.
This very nice hand-carved wooden doll and some original paint on the face and shoulders. She has a very round head, deep-set eyes and a nose carved and protruding but still out of the one piece of wood. Her legs were inset and pegged in place. Now she is a wonderful fragment 10" tall and mounted on a professional frame. (There are a few very old worm holes, please see close-up picture.) Circa 1800-1830.
Extremely early bedpost doll with carved features. She is 13" tall, with very nice turnings. She has attached cloth arms that are old but not original. At least one older tack remains from the earlier arms. She is solid, heavy, no worm holes, but there are a few nail holes near the base on one side. She is wearing a very early dress that is woven rather than printed. It is hand sewn and from the same time frame but my guess is that it is not original...
This is a very nice 1830 milliner doll with a contoured anf paper-mache painted face. Her body is cloth and her arms and legs are wood. The spoon hands have defined thumbs. She has on a dress that had to have been made for her but maybe 50-100 years ago. It is all hand sewn and maybe it is early than I am saying. Her undergarments look original and another dress might be her original one. She has two small flakes off either side of her head, some lines on her face...
This is a beautiful wax over Paper Mache doll with pupiless glass eyes. She has a beautiful face with some loss of paint and some repaint. She has a break at the back of her shoulder plate. The good news is she is 23" tall and has on a very nice but fragile period dress and pantaloons. Her face is beautiful and does not look repainted or damaged until you get close. She is from the 1830-40's and looks wonderful sitting in an early period chair. She is priced accordingly to her overall condition...
This fine antique cloth doll all hand-sewn with a delicately embroidered face, pinched nose, and rosy cheeks have an air of sophistication. She has on a two-piece soft blue-green wool dress, faded some in the front, with antique petticoat and pantaloons, sock, and leather shoes.
Her hair is a black silk fabric with some shredding and a bun at the back of her neck. She is constructed with very fine linen and is stuffed quite firmly with raw wool. This is a very special doll. 21" and C. 1880
This very nice painted face cloth doll has a lovely minimally painted face with dark eyes and a soft red nicely shaped lips. Her body is hard packed with a broad chest reflecting the period. She has long graceful arms that flare out from the elbow down, a touch I don't see very often. Her body is all original one arm has some weakness but not serious. She is dressed in antique clothes, the dress has some stains and one hole in the back under arm...
A 19th C. bisque head cloth body doll that is a squeak toy. I have never had one before. The squeak of course does not work, how many times do you suppose it squeaked before it stopped and the child was devastated the mother was thrilled. She has her original dress and then early blue calico apron and bonnet. Her face is bisque and she has blue glass eyes that are almost startling. She has a cloth body with a thin piece of wood that is about 1" by 2" inside here that was the squeaker...
This is an all original milliner doll with paper mache head and hand carved wooden arms and legs. She has on a brown/tan dress with a scalloped petticoat and full length pantaloons. All are hand sewn. She has on green painted shoes. You can see in the picture as well as feel the hand carving of the arms and legs. You can see she has crazing on her face but it is not fragile or flaking off. Her clothing is in good condition but has age related discoloring. She is 10" tall and is circa 1840...
Four little doll house dolls. Two are bisque with one having movable arms and the other with movable arms and legs...
This doll looks right. She is hand sewn, rag stuffed with some cotton stuffing, very big folky mitten hands and the best brown and red calico dress. She had lots of patina, (the very nice word for accumulation of dirt and soil over the years). She has on a flannel petticoat under her dress and a pair of bloomers on inside out. Why they are like that I don't know but they look okay like that. Her shoulders are jointed but her legs are not but she sits from years of sitting. She is 13" tall and a ...
Very early black cloth doll with embroidered face, raised nose, wool fabric for hair, and dressed in original blue calico roller print pants, an early brown wool vest, (so great even though it has some damage), and the collar around his neck that is all that is left from his dress shirt. His arms maybe an early replacement. He is 14" tall and C. 1870.
His face is mottled color but no damage to the fabric, maybe the early dyed fabric reacted to sun over the years.
This is a very nice pen wipe black doll made with a wishbone. She has layers of flannel skirts with wish bone legs wrapped with black cloth. She is 3" tall with an embroidered face and knotted black yarn hair. On the front of her she has a sticker that reads, Wipe your pen on me. She is in excellent condition, no one ever used her, 3" tall and circa 1880.
This black cloth doll is packed solid with cotton, has a very nice embroidered face, astrakhan hair, and a blue calico dress with over skirt of red. Her arms and legs are continuous but all bend easily after years of being played with. She is 19" tall and is circa 1890.
This cloth doll is 8", has continuous arms and legs, is firmly stuffed with cotton, her face has bead eyes and nose and a floss sewn mouth. Under the little plaid dress is a white petticoat. The hair on her head is fur and the shoes are little leather homemade wonders. She is petite and adorable. C. 1890
Condition, she has two little weak spots that the stuffing shows through on her chin.
This doll has a dynamic face with bright blue eyes and long eyelashes. She has great hands with lovely long fingers and thumbs. She is uncomplicated all one piece of fabric in back and in front. She isn't jointed but she does sit. She has normal length arms but when I photograph here with her clothes on they look short. I don't get it is what it is. (See pictures with her clothes off.) She came bald but with evidence of a wig. I plunked one on her but it is just pinned on. She is 20" tall and is...
This wonderful perfect tiny penny wood doll in original dress and hat and painted red shoes on her tiny wooden legs. She is so tiny I have trouble picking her up. She is 1" tall with her dress just a little longer and her hat a little taller she is 1 1/2" all together. The round Dresden box is 3 3/4" in diameter and is1" tall. It has blue wall around the sides and other than a couple of scuff marks it is in good condition. I bought the doll in the box but she is just set in there on a little pie...