Believe me I wouldn't consider bothering her. Take a look at those eyebrows, mercy, this is a doll you might exhibit by herself. That said, a few friends might help soften her around the edges. She is 26" tall with stockinette head and body, all original. She is as found with all her jewelry, white blouse, red plaid wool skirt with a lot of holes and a slip and petticoat. On her feet she has the best black and red socks, so great with her skirt. Her arms and legs are jointed and she is stuffed w...
A man and woman black cloth dolls with composition heads. They were not made by the same person but they were sold to me as a pair and they are great together. She is 24" and very heavy. He is 27 " and is tall and lean with cool clothes. I think they are both from the 1930's. Both have early and probably have original outfits also the sun fading on the woman skirt looks like she had a different apron. They are in very good condition. A terrific pair of black dolls.
Not only is she happy, she also is a good cook. She is almost as wide as she is tall, has original clothes, great yarn hair, (see picture), embroidered face that is very well done. She is cotton stuffed, sits well and she is nice to hold. She is 18" tall and is circa 1910-20
This is a very dear doll in her very best dress and put together hat. Her body is all original and bends and sits well. Her blue print dress is a lovely fit and she is wearing lace trimmed pantaloons and petticoat. Her shoes are homemade and interesting. That means I don't really understand them but they are sewn on and she likes them. Her face has holes and mends as well as shell and bead eyes and a faint nose and embroidered mouth. A thin black yarn works well for her hair. She is stuffed with...
This doll doesn't need any detective work to know that she is old and completely original. I think she has two other faces under this one but I would never take the risk of hating the other two faces and not being able to get this face back on. I often don't like to take socks off a doll. When you know by the looks that the socks have been on forever they never look the same when you take them off and put them back on.
Anyway, she is 18" tall, sits nicely, is firmly packed with cotton. Her arm...
This lovely late 19th C. black cloth doll is made with fine polished cotton material, all hand sewn and hand painted. The white band at her neck is part of her clothing and is not a neck stabilizer. The doll and the clothes appear to be hand sewn by the same seamstress/mother/Grammy. The astrakhan hair is the best I have every seen and makes her hairdo look very fashionable. There is a little give to the cotton stuffed hourglass shaped body. This doll is so nice, all original and is in excellent...
This boy doll has a proud stance and a great outfit. His hands and feet are big and terrific. His hat is made out of a tin can! His clothes I think are original. Most cloth dolls probably don't have original clothes but there is an exception and that is, Boy Dolls. Boy dolls were often made for a boy and the doll didn't get played with the way girl dolls did. So that said, I do feel this doll is pretty much all original. He is heavy and packed pretty tightly with cotton and wool stuffing. His fa...
I was very surprised to find a Poppet doll dressed as a Native American. I looked up what tribes were in Kentucky and it turns out there were three or four. Shawnee, Cherokee, Chippewa and Chickasaw. So it is not surprising even in the first quarter of 1900 to have an Indigenous Poppet doll. She has on a wool skirt and a fine multicolored top. She has wooden rounded at the end arms and wooden legs covered with a gray wool leggings that have embroidery up the sides and leather shoes. She has a gr...
This is a very nice 1830 milliner doll with a contoured anf paper-mache painted face. Her body is cloth and her arms and legs are wood. The spoon hands have defined thumbs. She has on a dress that had to have been made for her but maybe 50-100 years ago. It is all hand sewn and maybe it is early than I am saying. Her undergarments look original and another dress might be her original one. She has two small flakes off either side of her head, some lines on her face. Keep in mind that the camera ...
Do you believe it, this little linen doll has the best face with tiny bright blue eyes, two tone big rosy pink cheeks, and a little red line for mouth. She has horsehair stitched carefully to her head giving her a whimsical crown of hair. Her body is all original but she has been recovered around her shoulders and chest. The material from her face is the same material all the way down her body. she is firmly stuffed with cotton. Her brown/tan dress is worn and faded and soft as can be. She is as...
What a face, a skilled hand embroidered this great face and body. She is what she is, pretty amazing. The embroidered face with applied nose, stitched eyes with snaps for pupils, and an abundance of black yarn hair show the skill of the maker. She is firmly stuffed with cotton, fully jointed and intricate hands with separate fingers and thumbs. Her clothes were made for her and fit perfectly. She has no condition problems, probably she was made as a Sunday doll, carefully played with. She is 21"...
Antique cloth doll with ink drawn face and hair, a body that is all original and dressed in a period dress, pantaloons and blouse. The wild hand knit red and white wool socks are a surprise but I can picture a little girl putting them on her and thinking they look grand. This is the way I bought her so I have left them on as a talking point I guess... She is jointed at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. The clothes are sewn on but it feels like her arms have been replaced. The only part of her a...
Little button eyed, embroidered nose and mouth, black doll. She has great early finely woven string hair. her dress couldn't be any simpler, made of broadcloth and covered with a apron. She is cotton stuffed, little blunt arms and legs and is 12" tall. She is all original and from the 1920's. She is perfect is her funny little way.
This sweet little painted face black doll with big rosy cheeks. She is wearing a bandana dress that probably is original, it is hand sewn as is the doll. She is cotton stuffed has fancy gold cloth shoes and sewn on leggings. She is 10" tall, C. 1900-1910 and fits in your hand perfectly.
I am partial to sister dolls and have been collecting them for years. I have always liked these two. I had dressed them, it is very hard to find two dresses alike as you can imagine and they rarely have their matching dresses 120 years later. No question the same person made both dolls. They are very firmly stuffed with cotton, jointed arms and legs, embroidered faces with that straight neutral red mouth and an embroidered nose done with black floss so it is hard to see. Their hair is the astrak...
Yes, I think college professor and by the looks of his hair, probably not married. He is all original and has his clothes sewn on, is C. 1890-1910 and 15" tall.
She is 16" tall, dressed for the coldest of weather, her Mommy made sure she would be warm and now she looks lost. She is almost as wide as she is tall. The clothes are all original, the coat is nicely made and completely lined. Under the coat is a brown dress with a woven in pattern and undies to match. Her eyes are shoe buttons and her nose and mouth are one stitch each that are pulled in. She is just the cutest! There is wear to the first layer of stockinette on her cheek and the top of her h...
This doll is very beautiful with very delicate features. Her eyes are sewn on pieces of leather, one is only 3/4 there now. They are stitched on and her eyebrows are done with a cross stitch that is very effective. Her nose is raised and stitched and her mouth is a few stitches of red thread, probably more at one time. She had astrakhan hair but now all is left is the brown fabric with head scarf over it. She has a round full curvy body, jointed shoulders, hips and knees. She has on layers of u...