This fine antique cloth doll all hand-sewn with a delicately embroidered face, pinched nose, and rosy cheeks have an air of sophistication. She has on a two-piece soft blue-green wool dress, faded some in the front, with antique petticoat and pantaloons, sock, and leather shoes.
Her hair is a black silk fabric with some shredding and a bun at the back of her neck. She is constructed with very fine linen and is stuffed quite firmly with raw wool. This is a very special doll. 21" and C. 1880
She is 16" tall, dressed for the coldest of weather, her Mommy made sure she would be warm and now she looks lost. She is almost as wide as she is tall. The clothes are all original, the coat is nicely made and completely lined. Under the coat is a brown dress with a woven in pattern and undies to match. Her eyes are shoe buttons and her nose and mouth are one stitch each that are pulled in. She is just the cutest! There is wear to the first layer of stockinette on her cheek and the top of her h...
This very nice painted face cloth doll has a lovely minimally painted face with dark eyes and a soft red nicely shaped lips. Her body is hard packed with a broad chest reflecting the period. She has long graceful arms that flare out from the elbow down, a touch I don't see very often. Her body is all original one arm has some weakness but not serious. She is dressed in antique clothes, the dress has some stains and one hole in the back under arm. She is wearing a petticoat, net stockings and ta...
Just when I think I have seen it all along comes something different. This doll has a bottle for a body that has the shape of a flask. The bottle and her arms are a heavy twill with the arms having lots of mends. She has sock legs and a sewn on bonnet and embroidered face. She has been through a lot but she is very dear. I have had bottle doll doorstops but never a doll with a bottle body! She is 16" tall and is a real hoot. Circa 1900
A 19th C. bisque head cloth body doll that is a squeak toy. I have never had one before. The squeak of course does not work, how many times do you suppose it squeaked before it stopped and the child was devastated the mother was thrilled. She has her original dress and then early blue calico apron and bonnet. Her face is bisque and she has blue glass eyes that are almost startling. She has a cloth body with a thin piece of wood that is about 1" by 2" inside here that was the squeaker. It still p...
This antique Amish mat is hand braided and really nicely hand sewn. It is in near perfect condition with some minor surface abrasion. It is very tightly braided and to the touch it feels like it has some wool in the fabric. The colors are a green/blue, pink and purple. I lies perfectly flat on the table. 10" by 13" Late 19th C.
In this wonderful, finely embroidered face, black doll you can see fatigue. It makes me wonder just who did make this very fine cloth doll. She is wearing a calico skirt under a work apron, with a blouse and a shoulder scarf. On her feet are hand sewn fabric boots. She is jointed, stuffed firmly with cotton, is holding a baby wearing a bonnet and a bow. The baby has a stump body wrapped with fabric and doesn't appear to be something you take out of her arms.
This is a very nice early black clot...
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Textiles : Accessories : Pre 1900
item #1329367
(stock #1330)
Antique flannel dog filled with grain or sawdust that makes him feel like a bean bag and allows him to stand nicely. He has big bead eyes and replaced floppy ears. The original ears must have been further back where you see a white patch. That patch is white flannel that hasn't gotten dirty. He has a couple of mends but is old and nice and has a bit of a worried look. He is 7 1/2" long and 6" tall. (His ears are a wool knit fabric that looks like they have been there for a while.) Hi is 19th C. ...
This is a very nice example of a black cloth broom doll. I don't get these very often and this one has the best face. The embroidery is densely stitched and she is quite early. She is wearing a blue calico dress that is faded and shows wear. There is a mend on her skirt that is crude but works. The top layer of black stockinette has weakness and some holes. See close-up pictures of her face. The bristles of the whisk broom allows her to stand without support. The handle of the broom goes up into...
This is a very nicely made black stockinette doll with a sculpture face, applied nose and ears and embroidered eyes and mouth. She has applied hair made from a fine net fabric and sewn in place. She had really nice clothes with a blue dress, and colorful striped petticoat a lace slip and lace pantaloons. On her head she is wearing a black net bonnet. Her body is straw and cotton filled. She sits but it is a little bit of a forced sit. She is 16" tall and circa 1880.
This fine black doll is in wonderful condition. Her face is embroidered and her eyes are jet buttons that are very effective and her hair is astrakhan (lambs wool used for trim on coats in the late 1800's). Her arms are attached at her shoulders, her legs are continuous but she sits easily. She is wearing an early black skirt, a black calico dress over the skirt, and then a red apron/skirt over the dress. Her arms and legs have been recovered at some point but show wear and age so they have been...
Not often do I get a doll that has documentation of the maker, this doll does. She is all original with a red calico dress and bandana, white apron, petticoat and bloomers. Her body and legs are made of wood and she has big flat shoes that probably allowed her to stand alone but she is old now and doesn't do that well. I am trying not to relate to that! On the bottom of her shoe, written in nice script is, Mrs. Jefferson Davis at Louis at New Orleans, La.
She has in her right hand a handmade a...
A very nice stockinette face doll with button eyes and embroidered eyebrows, nose and mouth. She has raveled yarn hair, she has attached arms and legs and sewn on stockinette shoes. She has wear on hands and on her black stockings. She is firmly stuffed with cotton. She is looking for Vera Wang but until then is wearing a camisole and pantaloons. She is 20" tall and is circa 1890
This is a very nice pen wipe black doll made with a wishbone. She has layers of flannel skirts with wish bone legs wrapped with black cloth. She is 3" tall with an embroidered face and knotted black yarn hair. On the front of her she has a sticker that reads, Wipe your pen on me. She is in excellent condition, no one ever used her, 3" tall and circa 1880.
I am partial to sister dolls and have been collecting them for years. I have always liked these two. I had dressed them, it is very hard to find two dresses alike as you can imagine and they rarely have their matching dresses 120 years later. No question the same person made both dolls. They are very firmly stuffed with cotton, jointed arms and legs, embroidered faces with that straight neutral red mouth and an embroidered nose done with black floss so it is hard to see. Their hair is the astrak...
17" black sock doll with shoe button eyes, flat black button nose and applied soft red floss mouth. She is stuffed firmly with rags. She has on a while slip, white pantaloons and a gray blouse with red trim. The clothes are old but not original. She bends so she sits nicely. She has a cute expression that says, no fooling around here I have lots to think about. Circa 1900-1920
Nice old black stockinette doll with the sweetest sad little face. She has a pinch raised nose very nice embroidered eyes and a dearest little turned down mouth. She has yarn hair that is a little thin. She has a very long body and short legs, a true little rag doll. She is 18" tall but looks and feels like a smaller doll.
19th C. crepe paper doll dress is the best blue color. It has a lighter blue crepe paper belt with a gold paper buckle. It opens and slips over the paper dolls head. It is in very nice condition. 3 1/2" top to bottom and is circa 1880