Talk about an hour glass figure, this one is an exaggeration, you can see she has been carried around gripped at the waist and I little hand could have gone around her easily. She is heavy and stuffed with rags. She has a suggestion of facial features. Her dress is hand sewn and not by a skilled dressmaker, it is very endearing and fits her really well. Under her dress she has a very soft worn and age related stained petticoat that has been altered to fit her perfectly and I don't think it is a ...
And I believe her! She is a no nonsense doll, stern but not mean. At 27" she sits and stands tall, her body is strong and firm and her head is upright. She is fully jointed and has fingers and thumbs. Her hands are unique, the maker sewed the outline of the fingers with the two pieces of cloth face out and then cut around the outside so there is a raw cut that is a bit messy looking but it worked. Certainly much easier that sewing on the wrong side pushing the fingers out. She is wearing a brow...
All hand sewn from the nicest of material, this topsy turvy has style and detail sewing. Both faces are painted, the black face is on egg wash cotton and the white side is on fine linen. She doesn't show signs that she was played with much if at all. Their hands are mitten shape and out of the same material as their faces. There is a little water staining at the bottom of the blue polka dot skirt and her net bonnet is shredding at the top. At her waist there is a cotton label sewn on with the nu...
Under the great blue calico bonnet this doll has a worn and wrinkle face with a pencil dot for eyes and a pencil line for a mouth. Her nose has gone flat but the bonnet makes her look adorable. She is a homemade beauty, she sits like she has done yoga all her life. Her blue calico dress is voluminous and hides her rather average size body. She can almost do a split her legs go so far apart. She had a slip and undies under her dress and has black socks and brown shoes on. She looks so comfortable...
This is one big heavy girl with a long face and slightly drooping cheeks. She is no spring chicken so I call her Mother Hen, in a loving way.
She is 26" tall, big chunky all original body and big practical shoes. Her head is floppy but stays upright leaning against a wall or chair back. Circa 1900-1910
Baby is a big heavy plump doll, all original body and painted face. She has on a dress that fits perfectly but probably isn't original. Her face is worn a little but no damage, maybe it has darkened with age?
I think she is the best baby. Nice defined fingers and separate thumbs. She has lost a lot of stuffing in her arms, I don't know how, and her legs have black stockings sewn on but everything feels right and original
She is 20" tall and circa 1880
A very unusual and great topsy turvy doll with a watercolor painted face. She has blue eyes, a perfect little kewpie doll mouth, reddish hair and a flaunty hap framing her face. The black doll has a red bandana tied around her head, she has white eyes and mouth and a sensible yellow dress with a black checked apron. She is in good condition with just the back of her bonnet shredded a bit and there is age related staining. She is 14" end to end and is circa 1890-1910.
This little doll look perky and ready to go have fun. She is hand sewn, her head is just a little floppy. Her lips look like she has stuffing coming out but actually her lips are sewn with a running stitch so the under has pushed the fabric up. So there is no damage on her face. She is a classic little homemade doll with no fancy frills. She is 17" tall but looks and feels like a smaller one. C. 1890
I don't see many pairs of dolls and boys dolls I don't think I have had another pair. The older Daryl looks like he is in control and rather sweet, younger Daryl has apparently gotten the short end of the stick. He is sad. They make a very nice pair and are all original with a few missing pieces. I think they both had belts. They have bold embroidered faces and have gray yarn hair. They are firmly stuffed with cotton, are jointed shoulders and hips, have stitched defined fingers with separate th...
This doll has attitude and I can see some little scrub kneed kid with this doll under his arm, thinking he can conquer the world. I would like to meet the woman that made this one!
He is big and heavy, made with denim, in tan and regular blue jean material. Stuffed with rags and cotton he is a handful. 21" tall and c. 1900-1920
Country and Shaker Antiques
Here she is spreading happiness. You can't look at her without at least a little smile. She is all original but in a played with condition by a gentle owner. Sewn inside the band of her bloomers is a little pink sachet bag so she would always smell sweet. (See picture.) How nice is that! There is a patch on one side of her neck. Her clothes are all sewn on and no question they are original, even her black oilcloth shoes and all handmade. She is 25" tall and circa 1920-30
This doll is very beautiful with very delicate features. Her eyes are sewn on pieces of leather, one is only 3/4 there now. They are stitched on and her eyebrows are done with a cross stitch that is very effective. Her nose is raised and stitched and her mouth is a few stitches of red thread, probably more at one time. She had astrakhan hair but now all is left is the brown fabric with head scarf over it. She has a round full curvy body, jointed shoulders, hips and knees. She has on layers of u...
She is 16" tall, dressed for the coldest of weather, her Mommy made sure she would be warm and now she looks lost. She is almost as wide as she is tall. The clothes are all original, the coat is nicely made and completely lined. Under the coat is a brown dress with a woven in pattern and undies to match. Her eyes are shoe buttons and her nose and mouth are one stitch each that are pulled in. She is just the cutest! There is wear to the first layer of stockinette on her cheek and the top of her h...
Yes, I think college professor and by the looks of his hair, probably not married. He is all original and has his clothes sewn on, is C. 1890-1910 and 15" tall.
I am partial to sister dolls and have been collecting them for years. I have always liked these two. I had dressed them, it is very hard to find two dresses alike as you can imagine and they rarely have their matching dresses 120 years later. No question the same person made both dolls. They are very firmly stuffed with cotton, jointed arms and legs, embroidered faces with that straight neutral red mouth and an embroidered nose done with black floss so it is hard to see. Their hair is the astrak...
This sweet little painted face black doll with big rosy cheeks. She is wearing a bandana dress that probably is original, it is hand sewn as is the doll. She is cotton stuffed has fancy gold cloth shoes and sewn on leggings. She is 10" tall, C. 1900-1910 and fits in your hand perfectly.
Little button eyed, embroidered nose and mouth, black doll. She has great early finely woven string hair. her dress couldn't be any simpler, made of broadcloth and covered with a apron. She is cotton stuffed, little blunt arms and legs and is 12" tall. She is all original and from the 1920's. She is perfect is her funny little way.
Antique cloth doll with ink drawn face and hair, a body that is all original and dressed in a period dress, pantaloons and blouse. The wild hand knit red and white wool socks are a surprise but I can picture a little girl putting them on her and thinking they look grand. This is the way I bought her so I have left them on as a talking point I guess... She is jointed at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. The clothes are sewn on but it feels like her arms have been replaced. The only part of her a...