Pencil face 20" antique cloth doll blue plaid dress
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Directory: Antiques: Decorative Art: Pre 1900: Item # 1321740
Directory: Antiques: Decorative Art: Pre 1900: Item # 1321740
Please refer to our stock # 1229 when inquiring.
Early cloth rag doll with drawn pencil face and mitten hands. She is firmly packed with cotton. She is wearing a very worn but nice blue plaid dress with velvet trim, pantaloons and black socks. She is the epitome of the rag doll that every little girl had, sort of the poor girls American Girl. She has seen lots of play and wear and tear but is still hanging in there. Her dress fits well but not original had a tear up the back of the skirt from hem to waist but the way the folds go it doesn't show. What could have possibly caused that! She is 20" and is circa 1880=90