This antique handsewn doll has the early sloped shoulders, with carefully pieced construction, finely embroidered face with pinched raised nose, detailed lips, eyes and eyebrows. Her body is the hourglass shape, her legs are continuous and even though she is not jointed, she sits easily. She has great astrakhan hair. She is cotton stuffed rather firmly, has sewn on socks and rounded off hands. She is wearing a skirt and blouse, petticoat and bloomers all antique but not original, just nice. The ...
Under the great blue calico bonnet this doll has a worn and wrinkle face with a pencil dot for eyes and a pencil line for a mouth. Her nose has gone flat but the bonnet makes her look adorable. She is a homemade beauty, she sits like she has done yoga all her life. Her blue calico dress is voluminous and hides her rather average size body. She can almost do a split her legs go so far apart. She had a slip and undies under her dress and has black socks and brown shoes on. She looks so comfortable...
This doll holds her head up high, has a hint of a smile, has a great body, sits nicely, doesn't cause any trouble and hasn't complained that her dress doesn't have any buttons or quite meet at the neck.
She is 21" tall, stuffed firmly with cotton, has no rips or tears. She has embroidered face with shoe button eyes. Her hair is wool and so nicely done. She has pantaloons, petticoat and dress that are all nice and are antique. The dress is actually red not orange and the bottom in polished cott...
This is a great black doll 22” tall, firmly stuffed with cotton, jointed arms and legs but the arms do not bend a lot. She has an embroidered face with tiny stitches and great round eyes. She has brown material for hair that has lost the pile so it is just material. Her hands both are mostly missing stuffing but a good portion of the material is still there. She has big long feet. Her dress is wonderful and has been on her for a very long time as are the underclothing. I can’t say they are ...
This very nice painted face cloth doll has a lovely minimally painted face with dark eyes and a soft red nicely shaped lips. Her body is hard packed with a broad chest reflecting the period. She has long graceful arms that flare out from the elbow down, a touch I don't see very often. Her body is all original one arm has some weakness but not serious. She is dressed in antique clothes, the dress has some stains and one hole in the back under arm. She is wearing a petticoat, net stockings and ta...
This doll is from a collection in Maine. She is stockinette that was originally early polished cotton and was recovered 50 t0 75 years ago. So she is all original just recovered. This is not that uncommon if the doll was valued it was repaired. Old black fabric dye had iron oxide that was corrosive and weaken fabric. It is why this face has some holes. Her face has beautiful embroidery, the nose has to be the fanciest I have ever seen. She has shoe button eyes and pieces of white linen tacked on...
A wonderful fine homespun linen doll with watercolor/ink drawn features and blue eyes to die for. The drawing of her eyelashes is so tiny I needed a magnifying glass to see them. She is 14” tall, body is all original and firmly stuffed with cotton. Her legs are jointed, feet nicely formed, and her hands have stitched defined fingers. Condition is great other than some age related staining on her face. At some point she must have had shoes sewn on to her feet, now all that remain of them are th...
This is a very nice painted face cloth doll with an all original body. The back of her head is painted brown and then a black painted strip around her face to suggest she has black hair. She is hand sewn except for her stitched defined fingers. She is 23" tall. I don't believe any of her clothes are original but are antique and they look like have been on her a while. She is stuffed with cotton and has a nice feel but is not a real heavy doll. She has a look of competence, I even bet her bed was...
A fine embroidered face, bead eye, pelt hair black doll from the coast of Maine. Her face and body are made from a very nice black linen cloth that has lightened a little with age. She is stuffed with cotton, jointed at the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees allowing her to sit easily, her head is firmly on her wabble. She is wearing an beige and blue print early dress that is age appropriate but not original to her. She is from Down Maine and I think her face and pelt hair kind of...
Sometimes a doll can be appreciated for the marvel of the maker and the caretakers of a doll. She has had loving hands restore her body more than once with really skilled hands. Her body is fashioned like a leather body but there is no leather under this doll's layers of jersey, cotton, linen and maybe a little wool. Her body is so interesting that she would look good exhibited without clothes. She is very firmly stuffed with rags. Her simplistic face is adorable with bead eyes a protruding nose...
Extremely early bedpost doll with carved features. She is 13" tall, with very nice turnings. She has attached cloth arms that are old but not original. At least one older tack remains from the earlier arms. She is solid, heavy, no worm holes, but there are a few nail holes near the base on one side. She is wearing a very early dress that is woven rather than printed. It is hand sewn and from the same time frame but my guess is that it is not original. Her hair is tacked on and is not as old as ...
This doll has a regal look and feel about her. Her body is black sateen and is very nicely constructed. The embroidered face is very nicely done with the whites of her eye very prominent with a nice black border around the white. Her nose is embroidered with black also but it is a blue black so it is visible. She has astrakhan hair that is nicely sewn on. She is stuffed fairly firmly with cotton and maybe rags. She is 23" tall and is dressed as I bought her. The dress is age appropriate and her ...
This is an amazing home made black boy doll with the sweetest face, the best posture and corn cob legs. He feels like he has a solid wood inner core. I bet the maker of this boy was pleased as punch to find a good use for a couple of old corn cobs. His face is finely embroidered and has a contoured brow and cheeks, a raised nose, jet bead eyes, embroidered eyebrows, whites of eyes, nose and mouth with teeth. He has raveled yarn hair that is wonderful and it really suits him. His hands are stit...
This is a big old fashion linen homespun rag doll with a great pencil face. She has wear and recovering on her arms and legs. Her face is a very old recover that is also real homespun linen. The back of her head is amazing, see picture to appreciate this great old doll. She is rag stuffed and very heavy. She has funny replaced feet. She is not jointed at her hips but from years of forced sitting she will sit. She is as found and is wearing a period two piece blue polka dot dress. She is a big sw...
This fine black doll is in wonderful condition. Her face is embroidered and her eyes are jet buttons that are very effective and her hair is astrakhan (lambs wool used for trim on coats in the late 1800's). Her arms are attached at her shoulders, her legs are continuous but she sits easily. She is wearing an early black skirt, a black calico dress over the skirt, and then a red apron/skirt over the dress. Her arms and legs have been recovered at some point but show wear and age so they have been...
The construction and the hand sewing on this doll is amazing. The hands and feet have stitch defined fingers and toes. The features are drawn with watercolor paint. Her nose is a raised pinched nose and for that type of nose this is the best one I have seen. Her hair maybe be real or horse hair but it is lovely and hand sewn in place and then a someone has saved it with a very fine hair net around the bottom. She has got a little sweet turned down mouth that is a more set look and sad. I think s...
This charming character painted face cloth doll looks so proper. She has a great face that has many coats of white paint. She has blue eyes, applied nose and a tiny black line for her mouth. From her elbow down her arms and painted white and her legs from the knees down are painted black. Her body is very nicely constructed and is stuffed just right for holding. I didn't try very hard to get off her pantaloons, someone worked very getting them over her painted legs but her body is all original. ...
Here face is hard to read, her eyes are big round buttons, her nose is one with her eyebrows, her mouth is a V turned upside down, and two circles on either side of her head for ears. She is big and rag stuffed heavy, (I love that). On the top of her head is a braided top knot in the shape of a donut. She is 28" tall, all original except her her clothes that are old and look good on her. So many cloth dolls, all made with cloth and some imagination, can be so different and look so wonderful C. ...