Pat Hatch Antiques country and Shaker and early cloth dolls. COUNTRY AND SHAKER ANTIQUES
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1379086 (stock #1826)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Not everyone loves their black cloth dolls showing lots of age and wear and tear. I do like some dolls as found and in a state of lots of love and use so because of that I did put the red antique cloth skirt on her to make her a little more respectable. Also someone could cut the ragged sleeves off but I just can't do it. She is firmly and I mean firmly stuffed with cotton. She sits, see picture but it is a little forced. She has great big feet that were once brown as is all the under layer wit...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Pre 1837 VR item #1394463 (stock #1959)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
The wooden doll fragment has some original paint. She is all one piece of wood even her tiny nose. She has a touch of original pink on both cheeks. She has some black paint on part of the back of her head that was her hair. She feels lovely to the touch. She is a real treasure. She is not quite 8" tall and is circa 1790-1820.
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1398538 (stock #2021)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This early topsy turvy doll very nice appeal to those that like dolls with love patina. Both faces have raised noses and some wear with more on the white side than the black side. The black doll has a window pane red fabric that is a tomato red with yellow lines and the white side has a wonderful blue fabric with white stars. She has had lots of hours of play and the aging from it is just the best. She displays well a single doll with white of black side. There is a tear in the top of the red f...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Pre 1837 VR item #1415472 (stock #3026)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This very nice hand-carved wooden doll and some original paint on the face and shoulders. She has a very round head, deep-set eyes and a nose carved and protruding but still out of the one piece of wood. Her legs were inset and pegged in place. Now she is a wonderful fragment 10" tall and mounted on a professional frame. (There are a few very old worm holes, please see close-up picture.) Circa 1800-1830.
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1432239 (stock #4014)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Cloth dolls come in all sizes and all kinds of bodies and faces and they can be so unique. This one doesn't really stand out in a crowd but she does hold her own in a spot light setting. She is all hand sewn, has great braided hair framing her face and is wearing a lovely old brown calico dress and velvet bonnet. Her body is stuffed with cotton and she sits easily. She has big feet pointing east and west. She is a charmer. 16" and Circa 1880 Her dress has some shredding on the front above the w...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1910 item #1442167 (stock #4061)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
How sweet and adorable is she! Red hair, red cheeks, body very firmly stuffed with cotton. Jointed shoulders, elbows, hips and knees so she sits easily. Her big eyes looking, slightly up, melt you the same way as when dog looks at you for a bite of your steak. The repair on her mouth looks like they put a band aid on and then took it off years later. She has a patch on her tummy and a small band around her neck everything else seems to be original. Her hair is yarn sew, each strand, into her sca...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1920 item #1460126 (stock #5022)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
I was very surprised to find a Poppet doll dressed as a Native American. I looked up what tribes were in Kentucky and it turns out there were three or four. Shawnee, Cherokee, Chippewa and Chickasaw. So it is not surprising even in the first quarter of 1900 to have an Indigenous Poppet doll. She has on a wool skirt and a fine multicolored top. She has wooden rounded at the end arms and wooden legs covered with a gray wool leggings that have embroidery up the sides and leather shoes. She has a gr...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1910 item #1467059 (stock #5053)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Big, heavy rag stuffed cloth doll has big old hands with fingers and thumbs, a great old blue and tan striped ticking body and is just all American through and through. Her big wide open face has button eyes, a couple of stitches for a nose and a straight floss sewn mouth that goes up at the corners for a hint of a smile. I am bet she has had many dresses in her day, but this nice old white and blue calico dress fits her nicely. She sits nicely and holds her head up with just a small back and fo...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1482464 (stock #5117)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Very early black cloth doll with embroidered face, raised nose, wool fabric for hair, and dressed in original blue calico roller print pants, an early brown wool vest, (so great even though it has some damage), and the collar around his neck that is all that is left from his dress shirt. His arms maybe an early replacement. He is 14" tall and C. 1870. His face is mottled color but no damage to the fabric, maybe the early dyed fabric reacted to sun over the years.
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1910 item #1364840 (stock #1697)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This very dear pensive blue ink drawn face doll is the quiet one. She is comforting and soft, her dress is a soft gray blue, her apron is old windowpane fabric with a touch of lace. She has a nice old onesie on underneath. There is nothing spectacular about her she is just nice. Sometimes we could all use a little bit of nice. She is cotton stuffed has a hole in the toe of one foot other than that there is not much to know. She is hand sewn and even though she is not jointed she sits nicely. Ci...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1416328 (stock #3034)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Lovely old cloth doll stuffed with rags, really solid and heavy in possibly an original dress. She is completely jointed, nicely constructed, old petticoat and pantaloons. She has dainty pointed feet, stitched defined thumb and fingers and the back of her head is covered with brown fabric that also looks original. Her face is embroiderer nicely with brown floss and you can tell she was made by a happy person. 23" tall and C.1890
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Folk Art : Dolls : Pre 1900 item #1335678 (stock #1395)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Early all hand sewn with tiny stitches black doll. The embroidered face is outstanding with the raised eyes, the pupils on a bed of white layered thread and her mouth is also done that same technique. For hair she has cotton floss thread sewn to her head and it is most effective. She has attached arms and legs so she sits easily. Her body is stuffed firmly with cotton. Over all she is in very good condition with only slight discoloration from age and use. She has on an age appropriate brown plai...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1378582 (stock #1805)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This dear little doll has big pencil drawn eyes and triangle nose and an oval mouth. Her arms stand out to her sides making her look like she is spinning and twirling. She is cotton stuffed medium firm, her legs are covered with the same material as her bloomers that are sewn on. They feel like they are original. She has big feet and all I can say is my feet are big and my mother would console me with, just think of it this way you won't tip over easily. (It seemed to be the truth!) Her pink/red...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1394126 (stock #1949)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This doll couldn't get much cuter. She is a tight package, stuffed with cotton, the clothes fit her perfectly, figuratively and otherwise. Her face is made as a separate piece of fabric like it was a second face but after looking carefully at her I think it is her original face and it was how she was made. She has on pantaloons, petticoat and calico brown and tan print dress. On her head she is wearing an old straw hat theat is coming apart a little but is so great on her. I think everything mig...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1415171 (stock #3023)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
"Doll with all original repairs".I read this description somewhere along the way. It makes me smile and yet I know what was meant, the repairs are not recently done and that applies here. I love her brown face and the best blue sewn on bonnet/head/hair. She has an Arnold Print Works arms and bodyand black stockinette legs. Her arms have lost most of the raw wool stuffing. Her head is not the print work fabric but is an old or older component. She is wearing very early silk and wool petticoat in...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1429138 (stock #3092)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Such a sweet heart with a very dainty stitched face in red and yellow thread. For such an early face it is a surprise to see that there is another one under this face. I would never remove it but it for some reason got recovered. Reminds me of a Christmas morning when I got just what I wanted, a Little LULU doll and was so thrilled. I was 8 years old, put her in my bicycle basket and rode my bike to show my best friend up the street. It was a warm NE Christmas, I hit a bump and Little Lulu ended...
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Pre 1900 item #1321740 (stock #1229)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
Early cloth rag doll with drawn pencil face and mitten hands. She is firmly packed with cotton. She is wearing a very worn but nice blue plaid dress with velvet trim, pantaloons and black socks. She is the epitome of the rag doll that every little girl had, sort of the poor girls American Girl. She has seen lots of play and wear and tear but is still hanging in there. Her dress fits well but not original had a tear up the back of the skirt from hem to waist but the way the folds go it doesn't sh...
All Items : Dolls : Antique Dolls : Cloth : Pre 1900 item #1345945 (stock #1495)
Country and Shaker Antiques
Sale Pending
This black cloth doll is packed solid with cotton, has a very nice embroidered face, astrakhan hair, and a blue calico dress with over skirt of red. Her arms and legs are continuous but all bend easily after years of being played with. She is 19" tall and is circa 1890.